Everyone brought an apple for show-and-tell
The children told the class about their apple. They described the color, size, shape, and parts of the apple.
One of our preschoolers has an apple tree in his yard. He brought many apples that he picked from his apple tree. He counted them and discovered that there were 10 apples.
Some of the kids brought 2 apples to share
We started making applesauce
First we cored each apple
Look, you can see right through it!
Then we peeled each apple
Each preschooler used a safe spreader to cut their apples into pieces
After the apples were chopped into small pieces the kids poured them into the pot
They added water
Then added sugar
Everyone gave it a stir
During naptime we cooked our apples, mashed them up and had them for afternoon snack time.
What a yummy snack that was fun to make!